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Dc Comics Presents 27 (Primul Mongul!)
198.45 lei
DC Comics Presents 27 – Noiembrie 1980
Starea Benzii Desenate – VF/VF+ (Foarte mici semne de uzura, pagini off-white)
Superman si Manhunter from Mars in “The Key That Unlocked Chaos!”, prima aparitie a Mongul! Scrisa de Len Wein, arta de Jim Starlin, Dick Giordano si Frak McLaughlin. Personaje – Superman, Martian Manhunter, Mongul (villain), Steve Lombard, Jimmy Olsen, Lois Lane, The Warzoon, The Largas, kryptonita verde. PLUS – “Whatever Happened to Congorilla?”, scrisa de Bob Rozakis cu arta de Romeo Tanghal si Frank Chiarmonte.
Cover de Jim Starlin.
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